Monday, January 26, 2009

Reunion Dinner (Tuan Yuan Fan)


Yesterday, the reunion dinner was super duper cool!!! Haha!!! Everyone was having fun and everyone was just talking anything under the moon!!!(because it's night-time) Haha!!! It is different from other reunion dinner we have last time!!! Haha!!! There is some kind of God-factor in this reunion we ate last night. Haha!!! Yestereday was just totally cool!!! Haha!!! Later we will be going to my "mm poh's" house!!! And the food there is really nice!!! I love the pohpiah, the curry, the "mo hiong" and lots more!!! All the food there is just super nice!!! Haha!!! And you guys still remember the pohpiah you guys ate when you guys came to my house? The pohpiah actually came from them, not made from my mother or my grandmother either!!! Haha!!! Super nice right? Haha!!! But the only bad thing after you ate the pohpiah is that you will have a lot of "air" in your tummy, and you will tend to "poot" a lot. Haha!!! You get what i mean right? Haha!!!

I gotta go prepare to go to "mm poh's" house already. Haha!!! So see you guys soon!!! Haha!!! And Happy Chinese New Year!!!

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