Wednesday, March 18, 2009

D50 on the move?

D50 on the move!!!
On monday, we went out with Jessica to minds cafe to play and eat lunch. Annlynn tag along with us too. Then we play play play play play play play play play play until 4pm. Haha!!! The thing was super fun!!! I like the last game the most. Which is the BIG taboo game. Haha!!!! I don't know why the last game is always the most fun. Haha!!! Maybe everyone went high on coke (get the joke??? I don't think so...). Haha!!! Anyway, the whole thing was very fun. After minds cafe, we went to walk around Bugis area, and we saw choong kai's brother. Haha!!! But choong kai did not wave to him. -.-'" I just found out about this on wednesday. Don't know why he don't want to wave. Haha!!!
Here are some pictures of that day. Haha!!!

(Godric's emo face... Haha!!!)

(Jessica talking in indonesian language, quite funny)

Haha!!! Jessica talk chinese is even more funny. Haha!!! She is a chinese but she took up malay. Haha!!! Weird.

The wednesday one was also very fun, But among the planning team only. Haha!!! Anyway, in the morning i went running with choong kai, then he say we run 2.5km or something like that under 15min. Then later both of us decided to run 2.5km under 15min so that our CG will be 15 by the end of June this year. Then it is super cool one, because when we run we run together then we keep encouraging one another. Haha!!! Then in the end we made it under 15mins!!! Haha!!! But the coolest was that after that run, the scenery was really very beuatiful. I did not took a picture of it, because i did not brought my handphone, but it was very nice and we listen to worship song and everything, and it is super refreshing. Haha!!! The jog was the most awesome jog i have ever jogged, seriously. Haha!!!

Haha!!! This is the fats that i have replenished after the run.
This is the Muthu's curry shop (or you can called it a restaurant)me and choongkai saw while we are walking towards mustafa (we took a loooooong time there). The restaurant is super duper high class. Haha!!! Choong kai was saying that if an indian was to work in this restaurant, he would be the world's most lucky indian. Haha!!!
Haha!!! We bought this from mustafa. We had a looooong time waiting for taxi that we decided to take the mrt. Haha!!!
Haha!!!! This two guys are fighting for some reasons.... Haha!!!
Wow!!! What a long post. Spend almost 1 hour on this post. Haha!!! No choice, life is just too exciting. Haha!!! Later D50 is having an outing in east coast park!!! Haha!!! I think it is going to be the most exciting outing ever!!! Haha!!! Who says the more the merrier? It can be with just a few people too. Haha!!!
That's all, bye!!!!

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