Sunday, December 28, 2008

Create in me a new heart...

You know what, today is just so powerful!!! Pastor preach in Zone F today!!! And she said that most of our lives is made up of ordinary days... Just like today!!! Where we just have an ordinary service, ordinary prayer meeting, ordinary day!!! But do you know that usually, "big" things happen in ordinary days... It is just the attitude of us facing our ordinary day that makes a difference. Sometimes, we can just live our ordinary days with just ordinary things, and nothing "interesting" or "big" happened. But we also can live our ordinary days with excitement and looking forward to something "big" to happen... You know, Pastor Lia have a inspiration of hosting a children church camp for her nieces and nephews at her house in an ordinary day!!! And from that, there is the nine stones and heart of God church... So we just gotta live our lives to the fullest everyday, increasing the value of our ordinary days!!! When school reopens, i believe there are even more ordinary days than in the holidays, but i believe lots of big things is gonna happen. Maybe one day, we bring a secondary one kid to church and who knows, he may be the next chraleston who brings a super big and zai revival into Pasir Ris Secondary School!!! So i am just so excited about school reopening, and also through this sermon, i also found out that i really really gotta go and live my life to the fullest and to the max!!!! I gotta slowly slowly increase the values of my ordinary days... Cool man!!! I believe that next year there is really gonna be revival in Pasir Ris Secondary School!!! (Anyway, what i wrote about the sermon is not really accurate. What to do, who ask Adam is my ancestor... Haiz... That's why ah, because got the inheritance mah...) Haha!!!

Anyway!!! You know what!!! I found something cool from fifi's blog, and me myself agree too. She said that sometimes we are too busy renewing things, like renewing handphones, renewing credit cards... etc. But we everytime forgot to renew our inside. You know today, i just found out that it is really very important to renew our inside. Sometimes after so many months and years of being a christian, we sometimes may drift away from God. You do not have the enthusiasm to worship God anymore. You do not have the fire to reach out to the lost anymore. And i believe all of us have been through all this and all of us will go through all this. So, that's why we gotta renew our inside and start the fire to reach out to the lost again... And be enthusiatic about worshipping God again... You know, today, i sang the song "A heart after You -CHC" during my quiet-time. (But also not very powerful. Haha!!! I think i too tired, that's why. Gotta do my quiet-time earlier next time.) The lyrics is like "create in me a new heart..." and then it goes on... This whole song i feel that is like renewing your inside and going back to God's path once again, where He wants us to reach out to the lost and worship Him with enthusiasm. And we want to be more and more like Him. Haha!!! (Oh man!!! Gotta try to get the presence of God!!! It is like so powerful one!!! But yet like nothing is happening... Lol....)

Haha!!! That's all... Hey! You know what, I really really like to talk like fifi, dominic, pastor and all this leaders. I love to share all this things man. Haha!!! It is like once i share about all this things, i am more awake and i can't stop sharing. Can i do this kind of entry for every post? Haha!!!

Anyway, thanks for reading... Has it impacted you again??? Haha!!! Hope it's funny too... I mean pray that it is funny too... Haha!!! (I don't hope, i pray man!!! Haha!!!) Ok, bye bye!!!

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