Thursday, December 25, 2008


Hey guys!!!!
Thanks for the christmas cards you guys have made man!!! I really really like it so much!!!

You know what all the message you wrote really really cheer me up and bring a smile to my face!!! I just love it a lot!!!! But there's a few cards that really touches my heart. And that's Josephine's card. She is my SL(section leader) from usher, and i think she really wrote the card from the bottom of her heart. When i read it, i really wanted to cry. It is like she really talk about deep things, and not only like casual things. It is really like she knows about your character, and she talks about it. She said that i am really detailed to the small things, and she believe that God will use me to do the greater things, because i am detailed to the small things. So she really talks about deep things, that is why i am so touched by her card.

And i think i got a revelation too, from her card!!! Power right??? Haha!!! (I wanted to write it down, but it seems like i can't really write it down in a way where people can understand.) Haiz... (feeling sian, when it seems that i can't write down my revelation in a way where people understands.) Never mind, I try.(trying to write again...[anyway, i deleted the last one that i wrote].)

I think we can start to love people. Love people in a way that when you see the person, you will say hi. Love people in a way that when the person talks to you, you will answer him (you know what, there was once that i talked to a person, and he did not reply me. I felt very depressed, feeling "how come he did not reply me, is it i too irritating?" and the person is like not talking to anyone or is busy or what.) So you see, we gotta start to love people like we can't wait to see them. We gotta start to love people like we can't wait to talk to them. I know that sometimes, when we talk to new friends, or even friends, we will just talk talk and talk, and then we have nothing to talk about. But like what the leaders say, if you really love people, you will try your best to be their best friend. If you really love people, you will talk to them non-stop!!! Whether they are new friends, old friends, or friends that you can't really understand them when they speak english, because they come from another country and that is their accent. You will just speak to them!!! It is like "jiang bu wan de"(which means can't finish talking). Because you just love them so so much!!! And i think this is really what it means to really love people. You will just do lots and lots of crazy stuff, like giving him/her chicken essence when he/she has exams tomorrow and he/she intends to study the whole night, and it is already very late and you still have to travel very far just to give him/her the chicken essence. (And the list goes on...) Let's be people who love people. Hahahaha!!! But sometimes, you do not need to do these crazy stuff to love people too!!! Becuase if you love someone, you will can't wait to say hi to the person when you meet him.(We always do that in heart of God church, so i better do, because i am the one who says this. Haha!!! But i will not do it just because of this ah... Haha!!! I will do it with my heart lah... Haha!!!! So, i gotta start to love people and i believe this will come naturally man!!! Haha!!!) So just love people!!!! And all these things will just come naturally!!! ( I think...)

So I am gonna write the cards with my heart and talk about deep things!!! Haha!!! If i did not really talked about deep things in the christmas card i have wrote, you can comoe find me... Haha!!! Yup, so that's all!!! Bye bye!!!

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